March 13, 2014
John Pearley Huffman

It’s a tradition at Ford. Months before it goes on sale, the 2015 Mustang will make its cinematic debut during a brief appearance in Need For Speed, which opens this Friday at every movie theater on earth. It’s a brief cameo appearance that recalls the original Mustang’s own early movie moment 50 years ago.

Back in 1964—in a scene shot along Switzerland’s Furka Pass before the original pony car was unveiled—comely Tilly Masterson (Tania Mallet) taunted and teased Sean Connery as James Bond from the driver’s seat of a white Mustang convertible in Goldfinger. “It was a huge coup for Ford,” recalled Tania Mallet to Britain’s Octane magazine in 2009. “The car was sent from America, and when it arrived on the set it was still wrapped up so that no one could see what it looked like.” Connery was driving some obscure English sports car.

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